Monday, June 24, 2013

5th Annual Full Moon Cruise to Cobourg a HUGE Success!

Yesterday was our 5th annual Full Moon Cruise to Cobourg for dinner and back and I'd say it was the best one yet.  The crossing over was on a flat lake and many of us enjoyed sitting on the bow and soaking up some sun (finally).  The lake flies did harass us for awhile but then went away on the return trip. 
Dinner at the Oasis in Cobourg for the 14 of us was great.  They had a band that liked to flirt with us and even played some Steely Dan for me; they did quite a good job too.  Some nice people bought all of us a drink and the Canadians were super hospitable to us as usual.   Canada rocks!

This is a picture of Karen doing her thing with the statue guy:

Here we all are in our usual picture spot:

The trip home was lit up by the full moon, a very large full moon, and we enjoyed Jill's traditional berry trifle for dessert.

What a great party!  Dave and I are truly blessed to have such good friends to do silly things with!  Love you all!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting the boat ready.

Dave and I are continuing to get Blue Moon ready for the trip.  We are trying to think of all the things that could go wrong in advance and try to nip them in the bud but with a boat that is impossible.  Boats are fickle things.  It's as if they have moods. 

Dave is installing a screen on the salon door.  In all our years of boating we have never had a bug problem (except those damn lake flies that appear from no where when you are out on the lake.  Weird).  Since we are headed for Georgian Bay and the wilds of Canada, not to mention the deep south, screens seem like a good idea.

Yesterday was Father's Day and Steve presented Dad with this awesome Ship's Log book:

He had it laser engraved with the image of Blue Moon and the nameplate.  Great job!

This whole trip still seems surreal to us but we are going to do it.  I heard of an old workmate friend of mine that I haven't seen in years who had a serious stroke and heart attack recently leaving her bedridden.  She's only a year older than me.  Super bummer.  I hope she recovers somehow.  That just reaffirmed to me that now is the time for this journey.  The clock is ticking louder than it used to!  So....Bahamas or bust!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The cat knows...

Aja knows something is up.  Cat intuition?  How does he know we are going to be leaving him until next spring?  He does.  Steve has so graciously agreed to cat sit for us while we are away.  Litter box and all.  Thank you Steve!  That is a tremendous load off of my mind.  Some people take their cats on live aboard journeys but that's not for us and Dave might have taken the opportunity to offload the cat at some distant port!  haha  No really....

So everytime I look at the cat lately he is subliminally laying a huge guilt trip on me.  He is very good at it.  Sorry kitty,  hopefully you have no perception of time and you will welcome me with open paws when we return.