Sunday, November 3, 2013
Thursday, Halloween night, we stayed in a marina that was back off the main channel. After a very long day of nasty weather and wind and me whining about how much I am tired of locks, we had to weave through a flooded forest as you can see in the pictures.


It was pretty creepy and I was thinking it was the perfect setting for a Halloween movie on Halloween night. The unsuspecting tired boaters, it's near dark, no where else to go and they come upon a ramshackle psycho like marina in a swamp. Freddy Krueger did not show up however; it was a little mom and pop marina. My favorite kind. It was a bit of a chore tieing up as the wind was still howling and pushing us away from the dock. Blue Moon was secure and I was happy to be attached to a dock and cleats as the wind continued to blow all night.
A glorious, sunny, wind free morning greeted us. With 3 locks to get through I was already dreading the day. BUT sometimes you get lucky. For as lousy as the day was before, this day was a stroll through the park. We arrived at lock #1 with a green light and doors open. That's unheard of! Sunshine, green lights and NO barges make for a good day. The rest of the day went very well and the scenery was gorgeous too. I took the helm for about 2 hours while Dave did some waxing. We anchored in a little cove with four other boats. Looopers of course. I love to have company when anchoring out. It was kind of funny because on shore it looked like the cast of Duck Dynasty was camping out. They made sure we could hear their country and western music. But hey, we are in Alabama after all.
One Alabama negative. They still allow smoking in bars and restaurants. That's not too surprising but get with it Alabama!!
It was WWII movie night on the boat. Dave patiently watched "The Silver Fleet" with me. A 1943 European propaganda film set during the occupation of Holland. The owner of a ship yard pretends to be a Nazi collaborator but is actually working for the resistance. (I SO would have been a member of the resistance!) He sabotages 2 submarines he has been ordered to build for them. It is rousing and patriotic and black and white. I love this stuff. Thanks honey for indulging me.
I've said many times I like to anchor with other boats but what I don't like is when their boat becomes unattached during the night and touches my boat! A Sundancer near us did just that. He was free floating and touched us and another boat. He woke up and secured his boat. No damage done. First time that has ever happened. You are at the mercy of the skills, or lack of, of other boaters out here.
All five of us boats locked through the one lock of the day. Saturday's destination was Demopolis, Alabama. On the way we saw many wild hog hunters on the shore. One group had a big ugly pig on the shore but I couldn't get a good picture. We also passed these beautiful chalk cliffs. Gorgeous colors. The White Cliffs of Epes.
We made it to Demopolis Alabama where Blue Moon is going to stay while we go home for a week. This time a 19 hour drive. When we get back the next chapter of the trip is the journey to Mobile Bay and then our homeport in Longbpoat Key. Once we get to Longboat Key we will officially cross our wake and to me that counts as completing the Great Loop. True, we did it in segments and many years apart but so what!! I am ordering the gold ALGCA flag today that signifies completion of the loop.
We did the big trip into Walmart yesterday. You can't imagine what a big deal that is! We had dinner at the little restaurant nearby; they picked us up. Fried green tomatoes were on the menu. I love the south.
So today will be spent just chillin' at the marina. We can always clean and wax something and then do it again. Tomorrow a couple who live here on their boat are taking us into Meridian, Mississippi, about 60 miles away, where we can get our rental car and head home. Miss my little Carmen so much it hurts!