Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We are still at Dog River Marina in Mobile while they are working on the boat today.  Hopefully things will get wrapped up and we can be on our way tomorrow.  There is beautiful boating weather going on the last couple days and we are stuck here.  So yesterday we made the best of it and rented a car and drove to a sweet little town across the bay, Fairhope, Alabama.  Just adorable and very upscale.  Lots of shops and cafes and I got my boutique fix and actually did a little Christmas shopping.  Later we went to visit the USS Alabama war ship that served in World War II.  It was my perfect day!  Shopping and WWII history.  Thanks Dave!

Dave thought he was so funny when he said he was taking his battleship to see a battleship so I pointed these guns at him. 

This ship served briefly in the North Atlantic where the Nazis wreaked havoc on supply ships making the run to Britain.  Later it served in the Pacific.  I wonder if my Uncle Pete was on this ship?  He served in the Pacific and I still have some souveniers that he gave to my Granny.  Little priced possessions from a horrible time. 

We tried the flight simulator and also went inside a submarine.  Can't imagine being inside that sub for months on end with all the smoking and body odor going on.  Not wonderful conditions BUT they got the job done.

Great news today!  Steve is coming to join the journey for a few days.  He will jump aboard in Pensacola and disembark in Panama City.  He has always wanted to see the Florida Panhandle so what better way?  We are thrilled that he is coming.  I am hoping he can coach his Dad on the seemingly difficult skill of fishing!  Also, Steve is a wonderful chef so that will give me a break!

Grandma talk alert:
Last night we received a little video from Lili singing her Thanksgiving song.  So cute!  She is getting so big.  I was shopping for her and Carmen recently and got all teary eyed in the store because they are growing into little girls sizes (6) now.  Another sign of how quick the time flies with children.  I recently read a book to Carmen called "If I could keep you little".
If only.

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