Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fishing? Yea sure!

Anyone who knows Dave and Robyn know that we can't sit still long enough to fish.  BUT, we think that since we will have idle hours to fill (also an alien concept) while on the boat trip, we should learn to fish and live off the land a little.  Do I hear the Mama's and Papa's music in the background??  So, we went to Bass Pro in Auburn to gear up.  What an amazingly huge place it is.  Every outdoor thing you could imagine. 

After filling the cart with all sorts of fishing paraphanelia I kinda think this future fish dinner would have been MUCH more economical if it were purchased at a restaurant.  Just like the $60.00  tomatoes I have grown in my gardens through the years, this proposed fishing adventure is quite $$$.  But, it is for the experience I suppose.  Also picked up a book on cleaning fish for Dave.  I will cook them but not clean them.   Yuck.

Dave and his "ugly stick"  haha!

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