Thursday, May 9, 2013

The decision is made!

After years of fantasizing about completing the Great Loop we have decided that NOW is the time.  We are still healthy (knock on wood) and there are no babies due within the next few months (that we know of) and if not NOW, when? With 5 kids, 3 grandkids and a business we can't exactly drop off the grid but we will do our best to experience the amazing waterways of our country and beyond.  There will be a lot of trips back and forth to home but that is part of the plan.  Yikes!  Excited and freaked out at the same time!  The target date for the start of this big trip is July 18th.  From Pt. Breeze, NY to the Trent Severn and on to Georgian Bay!  Back home a couple of times for a bridal shower and a son's wedding in September. 

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