Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One day and counting..........

Tomorrow is the BIG day.  IF all the stars are in alignment and the God of Cruising is smiling down upon us, we are scheduled to leave tomorrow a.m., cross Lake Ontario and get safely into the Murray Canal before the big thrunderstorms hit.  Playing chicken with Mother Nature already!

Carmen gave us a little stuffed animal to take with us on the trip for good luck and to remind us of her.  She named him Benji.

We rented a satellite phone for the Georgian Bay portion of the trip.  I'm afraid cell coverage might not exist in spots there.  There are probably 30 movies on board, 3 or four books, a bunch of new magazines, a kindle and i-books on the ipad.  That should keep us amused in slow times.

There is also plenty of varnishing to do on the rails of the boat.  Although they were all redone completely last summer, the varnish breaks down really fast.   

Our dear friends Jim and Lin are going on this first part of the trip with us and we couldn't be happier about that.  They are very patient and expeienced boaters and don't freak out when things go haywire; which will happen on a boat at any given time for no particular reason!

I will try to post tomorrow once we are settled for the day, hopefully tied up to a wall in the Murray Canal for the night. 

1 comment:

  1. Jim has already packed his varnishing shorts!!!

    We couldn't be happier being able to start your voyage with you.

    Between varnishing, watching movies, reading books, and a lot eating....oh some driving of the boat and locking through the Trent - Severn Canalway.....I would a imagine tons of laughing will happen.

    Excited that the departure day is here!!!
