Thursday, July 25, 2013


We left Buckhorn Lock #31 and went through more-more-can't remember how many-locks.  Captain Dave and Jim were busy at the upper helm.
We made it to Fenlon Falls and tied up for lunch at the local pizzeria and went grocery shopping.  We also did a little grandkids shopping.  My favorite!  A thunderstorm started messing with us so we made it to the other side of the lock to tie up onto the wall for the night.  Unfortunately so did every other boater around.  No space.  Luck prevailed when the local cruise ship had a space for us in front of him and he was kind enough to let us tie up there.  We made another really good dinner and again, passed out while trying to watch a movie.
Next morning off to Orilla.  We stayed in a nice marina there, again, in the heart of the city.  The Canadians really have their act together for boaters.  Take notice south shore of Lake Ontario!!
Someone recommended an Italian restaurant so off we went.  It was O.K.  nothing memorable so we decided that's it,  no more dinners out.  We can do better and have lots of food to use up before we head home next week for a few days.  Hope we stick to it!
Benji helps navigate.
Yesterday was, I think, I toughest day of travel.  The locks were very crowded and there was one long canal that was so narrow that only one boat could go thru at a time.  And this goes on for miles. You have no knowledge that another boat might be coming at you.  You are supposed to use your radio and announce you intentions but this ya-hoo didn't bother to do that so we had a little Mexican standoff for a few minutes but he was nice and backed out.
Pretty sure we were all glad to get yesterday behind us.
This morning when we left Orilla we saw this island  of dead trees.
We went through the last lock (before the big chute tomorrow) and it was the deepest one yet:
We are now anchored up in a place called the Lost Channel.  Sounds ominous but it is beautiful.  There are a few other boats on the hook for the night around us and we are anchored and tied to a tree so we should be fine.  Just gorgeous.

Tomorrow is the 45th and last lock!  It's not really a lock but some kind of rail system that they load your boat on and move it down.  That should be something.  We ride in the boat while they are doing it.  On the Georgian Bay tomorrow!  We have talked to some locals and they have told us of some places not to miss. 
We've been at this for a week now and everything has been so smooth.  We aren't silly enough to think the whole journey will be this easy but take one day at a time and hope for the best.



1 comment:

  1. Be well. See you both soon :)
    Warren and Marianne
