Saturday, November 23, 2013

All Along the Watchtower

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thursday the welders and the direct tv installer wrapped up their work and we left Dog River about 1:30.  It is pretty cool to have tv on the boat and the welders did a great job on the rails.  The crews work at  a slow southern pace and that was making the Captain a bit edgy but they got the work done and we were outa' there.  Mobile Bay was kind to us even though it was a gray day again.  We hustled to the next marina where Jimmy Buffet's sister has a place called Lulu's.

Along the way we saw oil rigs and fishing boats.
Such a precarious ecological pairing.
Not sure what this is?
We arrived a bit after dark which is always an adventure but we were fine and had a nice dinner at Lulu's (the typical, overblown touristy thing again) and watched the final episode of Breaking Bad.  

Blue Moon left at daybreak because we were excited to get to Pensacola where Steve was due to come aboard.  Along the way we left Alabama and entered Florida waters!  YAAAY!
White sand, shoals and tides.
 The Palafox Marina in Pensacola let us tie up for a few hours and wait for him.  We took the time to wash the salt water off the boat.  Ugh, salt water again.

Steve arrived and we took off for an anchorage for the night.  It was only a few miles away and in a cove surrounded by houses and condos.  A real urban anchorage.  Some homeowner's do not appreciate boats anchoring out in front of their house.  There have been issues in Florida where boats moor outside out expensive houses for weeks on end.  They get chased out.  I mean, where do they dump their holding tanks!  Yuck.

Dave and I like it when a boat moors out in front of our cottage.  No one has abused the priviledge so far and just stay a day or two.

Steve and Dave took the dinghy ashore and had a beer at a restaurant and I stayed aboard and enjoyed the quiet and actually read a little.  If anyone knows my Dave you know he gets antsy when I stick my face in a book so I have to sneak and read!  Ah, my type A honey :)

This morning we left our anchorage and carefully picked our way through shoals back out to the main channel.  It was still low tide and a bit of an obstacle course. 

Once we hit the main channel we were entertained by 3 dolphins playing in our wake.  Steve and Dave got some great video.  Check out Facebook to see it.  I don't know how to add video to this blog.  We are not sure why they do it but sure love having them tag along and jump for us.

We passed this big watchtower.

Maybe a restaurant up top but not sure.
So now we are heading for Destin and a big marina complex with shops and bars.  It's still a gray day out but we are so happy that Steve is here with us!

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI - the picture captioned "Not sure what this is" is the Mobile Middle Bay Light which has an interesting history
