Sunday, November 17, 2013

Goin' Mobile

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Yesterday we left our quiet little anchorage on the river and headed to Mobile, Alabama.  Another huge milestone for us on this trip.  I will miss the tranquility of the rivers and the no worry about big waves for sure.  Kentucky Lake and the trip to Chattanooga were awesome.

Entering Mobile Bay, the landscape reminded me of industrial south Chicago shipyards.

Once outside the shipyards the bay opened up and it's been awhile since we've been in big water.  It took  a minute to acclimate ourselves to reading the chart.  It is very shallow outside the channel so no screw ups allowed here.
So, Blue Moon is in salt water and tides.  Have to pay attention to tide charts again.  While in France last fall we saw what they do about the tides there.  They don't worry about it!

Now we are at an arm pit of a marina on the Dog River.  It ain't pretty but this is where the marine welder and the satellite tv installer likes to work so here we are until Tuesday at least.
I needed absolutely nothing from the store but I took the courtesy car for awhile to where else?  Walmart.  Southern Alabama Walmart!  Now there's a real experience.
Dave is doing little repair/maintenance things on the boat and I'm actually going to read some later.
Nothing exciting going on but nice to be where it's 70 degrees again.  We have the Florida panhandle coming up after this and I'm looking forward to that.  Not so much looking forward to the long night crossing that must be done in a few days from Carabelle  to Tarpon Springs.  More about that when the time comes.


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