Monday, July 22, 2013

Benji has been busy.

We left Cambellford after finding the butter tart bakery.  Those things are pure evil.  Should be called fat tarts.  Benji was busy cleaning the boat while we went into town.
We traveled thru numerous more locks to tie up to the wall in Hastings for the night.  While we were lounging on the back deck having a glass of wine a small boat burst into flames a few hundred yards in front of us!!
Apparently he realized he was having a problem and ran his boat ashore and jumped off right before the flames erupted.  So lucky for us that he didn't jump out in the water because the current would have driven this flaming boat right at us !  Geeze!  Sometimes you just get lucky.  The guy was not hurt.
This year Point Breeze won the ultimate fishing contest.  Last year Hastings was  the winner.  There must have been a tournament going on because bass boats were zipping past us all morning on the way out of town.
We motored onto Peterborough and spent the night at a marina right in the center of town.  They had live music and we did some laundry and had a nice dinner out.  We talked to some locals about where to go in Georgian Bay.  Local knowledge is always better than books or the internet.
Our first lock out of Peterborough was a lift lock.  You drive your boat into a giant bathtub full of water and they lift or lower you to the desired water level.  Pretty cool.
We got thru the lock and decided ice cream was a great idea for lunch so we stopped in Lakefield and found an ice cream parlour.
After that we headed for Buckhorn for the night but on our way there something magical happened.  The entire landscape changed dramatically to giant granite outcroppings with beautiful cottages on little islands and small coves and little summer communities.  This is just a small taste of what is to come I think.
Once tied up for night Benji thought we should have the champagne that Jim and Lin brought along to celebrate the trip.
I must say that Lin and I have produced some amazing meals from the boat's galley. It's kinda fun to see what we can do next.  The boat is running great and the weather has been wonderful.  Knock on wood. 


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