Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On the hook for two days. O.K., now what do we do???

After South Bay Cove Marina we went to a place called Longuissa Cove.  Recommended by another boater of course.  It was idyllic and there were other boats on the hook there for the night; that gives me some sort of false sense of security but I'll take it.  We got the dingy down and Dave actually tried fishing!  He took the dinghy and even though he did take the radio he didn't answer channel 16 when we were trying the hail him to see if he was o.k. (because HE WAS OUT OF SIGHT OF COURSE)  So I tried the cell phone--nope, I even emailed his iphone.  Nothing.  I was getting pretty worried because it was getting late in the day and the dinghy had some sort of engine issue with water in the fuel and wasn't running all that great.  Finally he comes sashaying back and I wanted to strangle him once I knew he was o.k.  Kind of like when the kids came home way past curfew.  Fear for their safety changes to anger is an instant!! He said he must have bumped the radio and it went off channel.  We all gave him a stern warning to be more careful with communications next time.  Oh, and no fish.

This is what it looked like there off our stern.  The loons were playing around the boat.

Chef Lin threw together another amazing dinner and we settled in to watch the Johnny Carson DVD.  I grew up watching Johnny Carson with my mom, even on school nights because I had no set bedtime.  Brat!   Carson was King.  Jimmy Fallon has a shot but he ain't there yet.
Next day we decided to spend another night in the same anchorage but here's the problem.  What do 4 hyper,super busy all the time people do on a boat all day??   There was no internet connection so we were already going thru withdrawl over that so you can read-try not to eat all day-read some more-clean something-watch another movie-and oh yeah, since the boat has a bit of teak on it you can always sand and varnish something.  So that's what we did part of the day; sand the teak rails to ready them for varnish.  Poor Jim and Lin didn't know they had signed onto a slave ship for two weeks!!
 Later Dave and I took a little dinghy ride around the cove and realized that it might be good to invest in a hand held gps because you might not be able to find your way back to the mother ship out there.
Watched some more Carson and I think we all went to bed when it was still daylight because we had exhausted trying to find something to do!  This decompressing is going to take some work!
Next day Benji had had it and said it was time to move on!
So we pulled up anchor, said good-bye to the loons and headed for a marina in Midland, Ontario.


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