Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back in the USA!

Monday, August 19, 2013

We left Blind River Marina to head back to the USA for the first time in over a month.  Drummond Island, Michigan is the US Customs check in port so that was our plan.  We were not sure what to expect from Customs?  Would they board our boat and look for illegal stuff ( like more than one liter of alcohol per person) or just ask the questions they as at the Peace Bridge?

When we go to Canada and back from Pt. Breeze, hardly any one checks in at the well hidden video phone in the middle of the river that only has a small dock for small boats and a small sign!  But here I guess you don't mess around so we will do it right.

The weather and sea conditions were holding nicely but that night at the marina two small dingys jockeyed a disabled boat in from the bouncy bay.  Dark, no power and kids on board.  Scaaarrrry stuff!  Again, boaters come to risk of other boaters risking their own safety.  Cool.

I had a chance to catch up on my blog and Brandon took my picture.

Later we arrived at Drummond Island and waited for the Customs Officer to board the boat.  He was young and friendly and we breezed through the procedure.  The marina had a car we could use to go into the so called town for tacos at a little roadhouse.
We fueled up and it was nice to pay US fuel prices after all the expensive Canadian fuel costs and sales taxes! (I see now why Canadians come to the USA to shop)
We left there and found a nice secure place to anchor for the night.  I think we were all a little let down by the "normal" scenery.  We have gotten so used to being dazzled every day by Georgian Bay
mind blowing landscapes.
Tomorrow Mackinac Island is the goal and hopefully a nice carriage ride around the motor vehicle free island.
Benji misses Georgian Bay  :(

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