Wednesday, August 28, 2013

These cute little Michigan seaside towns are starting to piss me off!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We are in South Haven and yes, it is another adorable little seaside town.  All this cuteness is making me think of the Chevy Chase movie where he bought a house in a cute town in New England and comedy ensued.  What is the name of that movie???  Anyway, cute town, nice people, sweet little shops and restaurants, flowers everywhere, dynamite 3 month old municipal marina!  etc., etc.  Michigan waterways rock and again, New York State (ESPECIALLY ORLEANS COUNTY) doesn't even seen to realize what an asset it has with Lake Ontario!!  Enough NYS bashing.  I will try to stop. No promises.

Dave's Turn:

Small rollers surging their way into Grand Harbor kept Blue Moon in a constant state of motion all day and last night.  The 18-20 knot winds are predicted to calm down.  They did and we headed  for south again.  The westerly winds  turned into northwest winds and we had a following sea the four hours to South Harbor.  We passed the 1000 nautical miles mark on our voyage and, knock on wood, have avoided any major incidences or for that matter any minor ones too!  The Volvos are performing better than expected with fuel burn averaging 5.6 gallons per hour at an average 1,450 R.P.M.s and 9 knots.  This is a different style of boating than Robyn and I have done in the past and we are both enjoying the slower pace.  She keeps worrying that we need to buy more fuel when we don't!

Tonight we went to a movie in the cute little town to see "The Butler".  Excellent.  Academy Awards for everyone.  Powerful movie.  Tomorrow we might shoot across the lake to Chicago but only if Lake Michigan is in a good mood.  It's about an 8 hour trip.  I will personally be glad to have Lake Michigan behind us.  I am more of a calm river enthusiast and hopefully the Mississippi and Tom-Bigbee Rivers will be a whole lot more placid than the big lake. 

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