Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back in East Chicago

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
After a challenging set of transportation details we arrived back in East Chicago last evening to find a very filthy boat.  It seems Benji was too busy holding off the furry pirates to wash the boat while we were away marrying off our son.  The nearby steel mills cause the boat to look like it has coal dust in every nook and cranny.

Yesterday morning Steve drove us to the Buffalo airport to pick up our one way car rental.  Thanks Steve!  It seems one way car rentals need be airport to airport.  The nine hour drive was hampered by endless construction on 80 West.  It  seems they are rebuilding the whole interstate BUT most times there were no workers in sight and just three lanes merging into one with nothing going one!   Grrrrrr-your federal tax dollars at work!
We finally arrived in East Chicago, went grocery shopping and headed to Midway airport to return the car. A 45 minute trip.  Simple right?   No.
We returned the car and waited in a very long line to make sure we got the taxi from hell.  After I punched in the address for him in his gps we were off.  A fairly $$$ cab ride but what 'cha gonna do?
On the way back he stopped for gas twice! $5.00 and $10.00.  Who does that?  We paid.  We also paid the $5.50 tolls on the way back.  Obviously he was scamming his cab company.  The last time he asked for $ I lost it!  I started hysterically laughing and couldn't stop.  Dave looked at me in horror but he should be used to this by now.  I choked out "maybe he would like an oil change while we're at it !".  I finally got control of myself and the taxi scammer gave us a cheaper ride than it should have been.  What a day! Dave has a pretty nasty cold.  Thanks Cooper! I'm trying not to catch it.
So now we are on the boat sea trialing the troublesome auto pilot with the Raymarine tech.  Not going so well but he will get it.
Remind me again why we are doing this?  haha!

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