Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day in Chicago

Sunday, 09/01/13

Morning bike ride but there isn't really anywhere nice to ride bikes nor are there any stores.  Our dock neighbors were nice enough to offer to take us grocery shopping with them.  You really do feel vulnerable without a vehicle.

Archie, our RayMarine tech is also the commodore of the Indiana Harbor Yacht Club which is right next door.  He invited us to their annual Island Party tonight.  Their yacht club is a bit different than our Oak Orchard Yacht Club.  They are open 24/7 (except Christmas day) for lunch and dinner and have a full time restaurant staff.  They never do the "dish to pass" thing.  They have 300plus members and seem to be primarily power boaters.

The dinner was good and music was great.  With Chicago musicians to pick from it should be.

Falling down drunk lady showed up.  Literally.  She fell over and took another lady (?) with her while drunk dancing.  Gotta love it.

This marina and yacht club has been so friendly and hospitable to us.  New friends, Ken and Janice on our dock met on and now have a house together.   They are going to keep an eye on our boat when we go home for a couple of weeks.  So thoughtful of them.

Bought the Amtrak train tickets for home today.  We leave Tuesday night and get into Buffalo Wednesday morning.  We have never used a train for transportation.  We'll see how it goes. The tickets cost less than the gas would have if we rented a car! 

Monday, Sept. 2, 2013

We had breakfast on the docks with our dockmates.  We were going to take them out for a boat ride but Lake Michigan was in a bad mood, windy and too wavy so that didn't happen.  So for kicks Dave and I got a taxi and went to Walmart on Labor Day to reprovision the boat!  Whoopee!  We did manage to fill up a mini-van full of stuff so when we get back in a couple of weeks we will be ready to tackle the Chicago and Illinois River on our way to the mighty Mississippi River.

I must say that I am looking forward to some at-home time.  Hang in there Aja, Mommy is coming!

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