Sunday, October 6, 2013

Home At Last

Sunday, October 6, 2013

After a 3 hour wait to get through the Barkley lock (57' lift) on Friday we left the Cumberland River, which was far prettier than the uninspired Mississippi, to enter Lake Barkley where the Green Turtle Bay Marina is located.  After 3 days of anchoring out and playing Frogger with barges it seemed like a true Oasis when we tied up in our slip and stepped off onto land.  It is a marina complex.  Boaters lounge, pools, a spa, fitness center, 2 restaurants, golf carts and very nice grounds. This is where Blue Moon will stay while we are home for a week.

There were lots of fellow Loopers there and we missed the BBQ the Marina hosted for the Loopers the night before.  Many of the Loopers are heading to the ALGCA rendezvous in Alabama next weekend.  We opted to go home instead but would have liked to join them. Plenty of boating stories there for sure.

Saturday we got the rental car and  did errands for what else, the boat.  We went to a store called Shop-A-Rama.  I have a hardware store fetish so I loved it.  Lots of junk.

We passed a little restaurant/shack called Catfish Kitchen and the parking lot was packed so we had to eat there.  The catfish was good if not a bit too much cornmeal.

Gas prices there in Grand River, Kentucky were $2.98 per gallon. I love NY.

So this morning we left Kentucky at 5:30a.m. in the dark pouring rain but with 13 hours to drive it was a good time to go.  I am sitting in my little cottage now and it seems so large after being on the boat but it really isn't.  There was a nice surprise waiting for us in our fridge.  Karen makes this wonderful pumpkin roll that I love so she gave us some.  Thanks Karen!

We have office work to catch up on, much needed Carmen time and family birthdays to celebrate this week.  

The trips home are, of course, taking longer and we may fly home the next time.  The logistics are challenging when you are out in the sticks on a boat but the more Loopers we talk to the more we realize that they run back and forth home frequently too.  Except for the ones who sold their land homes and now their boat IS their home. 

The next chapter of the trip should be pretty interesting.  Fewer barges and locks and prettier anchorages.  So stay tuned. 

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