Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mississippi Ho Hum

Wednesday October 2, 2013

We anchored out at mile 78 per Fern's advice.  I felt much safer here as we were in a little cove created by one of the hundreds of weir dams the Army Corp have placed on the river.  Blue Noser and a large Sea Ray that left Hoppie's when we did were there for the night too.

The huge carp (not Asian this time-just regular) were jumping all around the boat.  Dave tried many lures and even some ham and still they wouldn't bite.  I told him to not feel like a loser because he couldn't even catch a carp just to make him feel like a loser!  The fish taunted us all evening.

We made a yummy pork tenderloin dinner and watched a couple episodes of Breaking Bad.  I have all 6 seasons aboard, have got Dave hooked on the series and I am happy to watch it again.  Still have not watched the final season, am waiting for Dave to catch up.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

We woke up to this:

May fly attack!  They are hideous.  You squirt them with the hose and they just fly around and come back.
So, so far we have had fire (boat burst into flames on the Trent Severn) crazy thunderstorms (East Chicago) dense fog, bums lurking around the boat in Joliet, show stopping lake conditions, freaked out fish trying to jump into the boat, narrow passes with barges, wacked out taxi drivers, untranslatable southern accents, pestilence (May flies) and a little bit of home sickness thrown in
BUT, we did just pass a flock of 7 American Bald Eagles on the shore!  :)
We are heading to an anchorage called Angelos Tow Head at mile 1.5 and the end of the Mississippi River and the beginning of the Ohio River. We are on the Ohio for only about 58 miles then we come to the Cumberland River and a famous (to loopers anyway) marina called Green Turtle Bay. Hopefully we will be there Friday afternoon.  After all these nights at anchor it will be nice to wash the boat down with clean water, do a mountain of laundry, go to a restaurant and arrange for a rental car home.  Ganny needs a Carmen fix and Dave has some work to do at the office to keep the guys busy.  Somehow we are keeping it all together and juggling two worlds and  despite all the hurdles we have to jump I wouldn't have missed this trip for the world!


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