Saturday, September 28, 2013

Blue Moon is Invaded Again!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thursday night we stayed in a little marina backed up to the wilderness.  The owner advised us to make sure we left no food on the back deck and to close all windows and doors at night.  Seems raccoons get on the boats.  He said he doesn't mind them because they eat the Asian Carp.

Sure enough around 3 a.m. we heard the sound of little feet scurrying around the boat.  Creepy!  Dave had left the blue light on just in case.  We crept up the stairs to see them and there were 3 of them.  They scurried away when they heard us but one of them definitely looked at me!  I can deal with those critters but we better never hear any 2 legged critters on the boat at night!

A little about the mechanics of getting down the river...

Tow boat captains use the same signaling system they used in Mark Twain days.  To let you know what they want you to do they use whistles.  When overtaking a barge one whistle means he wants you to pass on your port and his starboard.  Two whistles means vice versa.  When meeting a barge one whistle means to pass him port to port and two whistles means pass him starboard to starboard.  The system still works but they use their VHF radio on Channel 13 instead of actual whistles.

What old Mark Twain didn't have was sophisticated electronics with an AIS system--Automatic Identification System.  That's what we had installed back in East Chicago and it works great.

Using the AIS system, all commercial vessels are required to continually transmit their unique ship's information including her call sign, origin, destination, length, beam and vessel hailing port and name.  These vessels show up as targets on our chart plotter and radar and when individually selected, up pops their position, heading, speed and probable time until me meet.

All this gives Blue Moon advance warning if a tow is operating just around the bend.  If needed, Dave can radio the tow captain for passing instructions.  These captains are well paid and highly skilled professionals who know every bend in the river and will gladly advise the safest way to pass and keep out of their path.  Our boat is also registered and shows up on their electronics so they know that a pleasure vessel is in their path.

Friday night we had no alternative to anchoring out.  It was 60 miles to the next marina and nearing dark.  Our buddy boat was still with us and we found a secure place off the
tip of an island with a nice mud bottom to hold in and wind protection.

I was totally freaked out at first (seems I'm freaked out a lot on this trip!) because being spoiled by the idyllic anchorages in Georgian Bay I had no idea that anchorages on the river were only about 75 yards off the main shipping channel!  The same channel where the big bad barges pass by night and day!  Dave calmed me down and we dropped anchor and I hung out watching the radar until 3 large barges had passed by and I felt secure that we were safe for the night!  No where else to go anyway!  It ended up being a really pleasant spot and we made a nice dinner and watched a movie.  Yes Brandon, we are still alive!!

This morning we brought up a nice clean anchor and set off for Grafton, Illinois and a 5 star marina.  This is the end of the Illinois River and the start of the Mississippi!  Kind of a milestone day.

On the way we passed this old monster.  Must have been a real party barge back in the day!
This one too. 
We spotted something out in the water that looked like a log but when we got closer we could see that it was a raccoon swimming from mid-channel back to shore.  We assumed he was carp fishing.  But aren't they nocturnal animals?  He looked fine and was quite a good swimmer.  We continue to see Asian Carp but I can't seem to capture them on video.
We arrived at the Grafton Harbor Marina a little while ago and it is the type with a roof over the boats.  Very cool! 

 It's a really nice place so we are going to get it together and walk into the little town for dinner.  There are 3 wineries and lots of restaurants and shops and the marina will drive you to Walmart to re-provision!  We might stay here tomorrow night also because there is a nice riverside bike trail and a day on land would be a nice break.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Redemption in Peoria

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I must admit that there are days when this journey is a real pain in my ass. BUT then there are days like yesterday that bring it all back on a happy course.

Golfers can relate: bad swing after bad swing then one great shot that gets you all enthused with the game again.

Yesterday morning we tried to gently leave the dock without upsetting the Asian Carp.  It worked or else they were somewhere else.  Our new travel buddies left with us and we were off.

The scenery was nicer and there were fewer barges. We saw a young bald eagle on the shore (still had the black head feathers) and another mature one with a white head. Mama?
Magnificent!  There were some lake home and little marinas.  It was starting to look more like the Mark Twain fantasy in my head.

We had to wait about an hour to get through a lock, just hanging out, treading water, wasting fuel. Tows and barges have priority and a tow captain has say whether a pleasure boat can lock through with him or not.  So far all the bridgemasters and tow captains have been really accommodating and courteous.  Dave likes for me to talk to them because he thinks a female voice has leverage.  Working so far.

We stopped in a little nothing town called Hennepin because they had a marine store and the captain wanted to replace his hand held VHF radio.  A floating one for sure this time.
We had to hop a fence to get to town.  Dave continues to have me confused with a 14 year old boy or something. Anyone who knows me also knows that agility is not my strong suit.
Shut up.

I made it with no broken bones!
We had a lovely afternoon cruising slowly down the river.  I took the helm a few times to give Dave a break and let him wash the boat.  He really likes washing the boat.
We passed an Asian Carp Charter Boat.  The Asian Carp thing has opened up a whole new industry around here.  They use bows.  This seems like a new reality show just waiting to happen.  Watch out Swamp People.
Would not recommend riding wave runners through here.
We found dockage at the Illinois Yacht Club in Peoria.  After churning up lots of mud we docked right in front of their restaurant. Some of the members helped us tie up and told us info about the facility.  Bluenoser docked there also.  The members could not have been nicer and note to self:  be more friendly to traveling boaters once home again.  We had drinks and dinner there and a couple of the members latched onto us and we had dinner with them.  There were the usual boating stories.  It's interesting to me to hear why other people boat and put up with all the trials and hassles.  When we tell people why we are taking this trip it reaffirms to me that this is truly a once in a lifetime adventure and we are so lucky to be doing this. Sure it would be easier to see the country in almost any other way but I asked for an adventurer and that is truly what my Dave is.  He NEVER takes the easy way out and I get mad at him and love him for that same reason. 
I digress.... the yacht club had a huge flood back in April. The worst since 1979.  The restaurant is quite high up as you can see here but the river flooded and you can also see the high water mark on the dining room wall.  Needless to say it was a huge mess and they are rebuilding quite nicely.
Restaurant is on 2nd floor!
We may be doomed by 6-7 months of mentally challenging gloomy winter weather at home but at least so far, floods, hurricanes, wild fires, and tornadoes have left us alone.
This morning we took a taxi to the humungous Bass Pro store in Peoria (to replace the VHF radio). 
This was on their doorway:






Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Survived Joliet

Tuesday 24, September 2013

We survived the night in Joilet and left around 8:00 a.m.  The Georgian Bay folks in "Bluenoser" wanted to follow us.  The blind leading the blind?  I prefer to follow someone and let them be the guinea pigs with barges and chart reading.  Lazy looper, that's me.

The scenery got a little better.  Fewer industrial complexes and some wooded areas. There were few homes on the river and they weren't quite up to Georgian Bay standards.
ha ha
I was surprised to see white egrets this far north.
We have not seen an eagle since we left Canada.
Once we arrived in Ottawa, our goal for the day, we had to first pass under a bridge and hang a right.
A big fish jumped off the stern.  O.K.  that's normal.  As soon as we made the turn and got close to the dock, I stood there with line in hand ready to lasso a cleat when huge Asian Carps started jumping all around the stern and smacking into the side of the boat!  I was trying to avoid them smacking into me, because they were jumping THAT HIGH and help dock the boat at the same time.
Somehow we got tied up without one landing in the boat THIS TIME.  Is that what we have to look forward to?  I will be ready with video camera tomorrow.
We walked to the grocery store and then went for a bike ride thru the little town that reminded me of the Canadian towns we visited.  It looks like what was once a really upscale town back on its way up. That is nice for a change,  Usually it's the other way around.  It seemed like people my age (old) are buying these grand classic old homes and restoring them so they can live in the "cute town".  I'm envious. 
The Ottawa High School was having a night football game at the stadium nearby.  We could see the lights and hear the crowd yelling.  It felt like all was right with the world in that little town.
Ottawa Court House was the place where the first of seven of the Lincoln-Douglas debates took place in 1858 as a precursor to the Civil War.  While riding our bikes around there you could sense the ghosts of greatness around. 
Tomorrow we hope to make Peoria.  We need to stop and buy a new handheld VHF because the Captain dropped ours in the Illinois River.  Glad it was him instead of me!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dazzled by Chicago & Playing Chicken With Barges

Monday, September 23, 2013

Blue Moon made one more little trip on Lake Michigan and yes it was still a bumpy ride to the lighthouse entrance of the Chicago River.

Lighthouse entrance.
But it was worth it once we got inside, went through the one lock and this was our reward!
There are endless bridges to go under.

Better duck!
It seemed that we got through the city really fast.  Being early Monday morning there were no tour boats operating and we were the only "pleasure craft"  for miles.  It was pretty cool having the Chicago River all to ourselves.
Soon enough the dazzling skyscraper landscape turned into the nitty-gritty waterfront work yards of America.  It looks like America is really busy.  We passed huge working boat yards, power plants, water treatment plants, scrap iron works, giant piles of salt?  Not the scenery you see on touristy boat cruises. 
Soon the barges and tow boats showed up and the challenge to coexist with them on the river.  When they are coming at you it hardly looks like they are moving.
This was a real nail biter!  Tight fit.  The barge on the right was moving fast.
We are following the Skipper Bob Chicago to Mobile Handbook.  It is extremely helpful.  It tells you what to expect at every turn, all bridge heights and VHF channels the bridgemasters use and when heavy barge traffic is likely.  Today we went under 59 bridges and through 2 locks.  Only one was a lift bridge.
At mile  296.7 to 296.1 a permanent electric barrier designed to prevent and slow the spread of Asian Carp through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in to Lake Michigan (and eventually Lake Ontario!) is operational 24 hours a day.  In other words they are trying to fry the little suckers before they spread.
Apparently in a few miles down river we can look forward to these crazy fish jumping  into our boat and making a bloody mess.   We were talking to some fellow Loopers this evening and this is no joke.  The vibration of the boats make the fish nuts and they start jumping all around and land in your boat, thrash around and make a suicidal mess.  Hope they spare us but with our large swim platform we are probably prime victims.  Dave says its my job to smack them with a bat.  I think not.  Keep you posted.
We are now tied up to city park wall in Joliet, Illinois.  Free electric, free dockage, free Wi-Fi but alas, some shady looking homeless guys in the park who have been a little too friendly.  This is the first time personal security has really been a concern.  Dave loaded his little friend for the first time.  Enough said. 
We are tied up here with three other looper boats.  We had docktails earlier and said we would have each others backs if necessary.  The city police station is directly across the river.  Would rather it was on our side.  There was really no where else to spend the night so here we are.
Tomorrow we are going to leave with the Georgian Bay Loopers we met today.  They are heading to the Bahamas so we might be on the river with them for awhile.  I like that.  Kinda looking out for each other.  We plan on making it to Ottawa, Illinois tomorrow.  It's only 40 something miles.  Another free city wall tie-up with free electric.  What planet is this?



Sunday, September 22, 2013

ESCAPE from East Chicago

Sunday, September 22, 2013

This morning while readying the boat to attempt to do the 2 hour trip to Chicago AGAIN, we had Pandora Radio playing.  Hotel California randomly came on so I cranked it up.  Good omen or bad?  Yet to see...  We said good-bye to our dock friends again and headed out the break wall to see what Lake Michigan looked like.  All reports were go but they were yesterday too and that didn't work out.  It looked better and the winds were around 8 knots as opposed to 20 plus so we went. 

We said good bye to the steel mills.
It was still a roly poly ride with large ocean like rollers. Lake Michigan still has to show you who is boss.
The Chicago skyline teased us for what seemed like a long time.
We finally made it to Burnham Marina entrance.
Nice huh?
Wow! What a cool place to keep your boat in the Windy City!  Smack in the middle of everything.  We got settled and talked to our new dock mates.  They were all decked out in their Chicago Bears gear.  Too bad the Bears were away today because Soldier Field is directly across from the marina. 
The Field Museum of Natural History was 1/2 mile away so we walked there.  Benji wanted to go too.

They had a really cool T-Rex exhibit.  Her name is Sue and she was discovered in Utah in 1990.  They are quite proud of her.
 Benji wasn't even scared!
My man Darwin!
We walked around Lakeshore Drive for awhile and then went back to the boat and talked to the people on the docks.   They were so nice and helpful and recommended a place in Chinatown for dinner so off we went.  A short uneventful taxi ride this time!
There was Hello Kitty stuff everywhere!
Dinner was good and we decided to call it a day and go "home" to the boat to figure out tomorrow.  Looks like we will be heading through the city and tackle all those bridges.  We have to put our radar spreader down to clear some of them but Capt. Dave thought of that back in Pt. Breeze and put it on a hinge. 
Our goal is Joliet, Illinois!  In honor of that we watched the Blue Brothers AGAIN last night.  Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues.  Jake was in Joliet prison in the beginning of the movie...remember??
We are thrilled to be on our way again and the long stall in East Chicago is over.  Except for about a 1/2 hour  trip to the Chicago River entrance, we can put Lake Michigan behind us.  I, for one, am really glad of jumping that hurdle!  I'm quite sure the Illinois River and the Mississippi will have their own unique challenges but we are ready to get going!!



Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hotel California

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"You can check-out any time you like but you can never leave".  This sums up our East Chicago experience.  Blue Moon has been here 24 days now.  13 days of that time we were on a trip home but the other 11 were waiting for the Raymarine Auto Pilot to be made fully  operational.  Waiting for software, yada-yada.  Finally early this morning Archie, our dedicated Raymarine tech, had it 100%.  So around 10:00 it was good-bye East Chicago, finally, and a quick 2 hour trip to spend a night in the Windy City before heading down the Illinois River on our way to the Mississippi River. 

It was a little bumpy heading out in the bay but we had diligently consulted with the National Weather Service, NOAA, NASA, the Pentagon and my tricky bunion and it was a GO.  Waves predicted 1-3 feet.  No big deal.  The waves started building and the wind was gusting around 20 plus knots.  Before long Blue Moon was violently being tossed around.  The waves were coming from all sides, no sense whatsoever.  After things started being thrown around the cabin, no to mention us; we turned the boat around!  Benji was cowering in the corner!  We headed back to our old dock with our tail between our legs.  Defeated by Lake Michigan. 

 It was time to press the WTF button!

  Our dockmates, Ken, Janice and Archie were there to help us tie up.  It felt GREAT to be tied up safe and sound once again. I called the marina in Chicago and changed our slip reservation to tomorrow.  HOPEFULLY the bitch that is Lake Michigan will calm down!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back in East Chicago

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
After a challenging set of transportation details we arrived back in East Chicago last evening to find a very filthy boat.  It seems Benji was too busy holding off the furry pirates to wash the boat while we were away marrying off our son.  The nearby steel mills cause the boat to look like it has coal dust in every nook and cranny.

Yesterday morning Steve drove us to the Buffalo airport to pick up our one way car rental.  Thanks Steve!  It seems one way car rentals need be airport to airport.  The nine hour drive was hampered by endless construction on 80 West.  It  seems they are rebuilding the whole interstate BUT most times there were no workers in sight and just three lanes merging into one with nothing going one!   Grrrrrr-your federal tax dollars at work!
We finally arrived in East Chicago, went grocery shopping and headed to Midway airport to return the car. A 45 minute trip.  Simple right?   No.
We returned the car and waited in a very long line to make sure we got the taxi from hell.  After I punched in the address for him in his gps we were off.  A fairly $$$ cab ride but what 'cha gonna do?
On the way back he stopped for gas twice! $5.00 and $10.00.  Who does that?  We paid.  We also paid the $5.50 tolls on the way back.  Obviously he was scamming his cab company.  The last time he asked for $ I lost it!  I started hysterically laughing and couldn't stop.  Dave looked at me in horror but he should be used to this by now.  I choked out "maybe he would like an oil change while we're at it !".  I finally got control of myself and the taxi scammer gave us a cheaper ride than it should have been.  What a day! Dave has a pretty nasty cold.  Thanks Cooper! I'm trying not to catch it.
So now we are on the boat sea trialing the troublesome auto pilot with the Raymarine tech.  Not going so well but he will get it.
Remind me again why we are doing this?  haha!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Emotional Overload and the Circle of Life.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This whirlwind trip home has seen the joys of a long life come to fruition; all in 2 weeks.  While home we celebrated our Carmen's 4th birthday.  Now I know it was only a few weeks ago she just learned to walk and now she is asking me for my ITunes password so she can buy an app for her ipad!  How did that happen so fast?

We also got to enjoy some time with our 4 year old Lili; who we do not get to see nearly enough, and her 6 month old brother Cooper.  They came all the way to BA-TA-VI-A from Florida to help us celebrate my  Bobby's marriage to his lovely Kristin.  So here is where the emotional overload kicks in:  The same morning that we were getting ready for the wedding we were holding and playing with Cooper. He is one new world beginning.  Later the same day I was choking back tears (almost) as I watched my baby (o.k. he is 32 but he is still my baby!) marry his long time love.  There's another new world starting.  Grandchildren and weddings all in the same day are emotional bombs! In a good way of course.

Dave and I are so blessed everywhere we turn.  Our family and friends came together with us yesterday to celebrate a really important day in our family and we love them for it.

So what does all this have to do with boating?  Nothing - it's just part of the larger journey we are on.

Carmen turns 4!
Carmen and Lili.
Cooper and Captain Grandpa.
Flower girl Carmen.
Kristin, Bobby & Proud Parents,
Kristy, Toby and Carmen
So Tuesday we are heading back to the Blue Moon.  No train this time.  We are renting a car one way to haul all the stuff back they we have accumulated.  We hope that Benji has not let those dastardly furry pirates take over .the ship.  Guess we will see when we get back. 
Stay tuned.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pirates sending in the big dog!

MONDAY, SEPT. 9, 2013

East Chicago - In their unrelenting mission to take over Blue Moon, the fluffy rogue pirates have sent in their big canine panzer.  They hope by sending in the heavy, but soft and cuddly, artillery they will succeed in Benji's overthrow.  It seems the pirates will resort to any means necessary !!

Oh the humanity!!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Late this afternoon a boat load of snuggly, but fierce, reinforcements set sail from Pt. Breeze, NY enroute to aid their comrade-in-arms, Benji who is valiantly holding off attack from rogue, but fluffy, pirates who are attempting to take over the Blue Moon in a harbor in East Chicago.

With any luck the reinforcements will reach their objective in time to save the ship from being destroyed and salvaged by the evil, but cute, pirates.

Reinforcements rushing to Benji's aid.

BREAKING NEWS...Blue Moon under siege!!

Sunday Morning, September 8, 2013

Early this morning our sources report that a rogue team of fluffy pirates are attempting a take over of Blue Moon as she sits in an East Chicago harbor.  Spokesman for the pirates state that as an "abandoned ship" they have salvage rights.
Captain Dave and Admiral Robyn have left the state on a trip home until later this month when they will return and continue their journey down the Mississippi and beyond.
  Benji, their faithful crew member, was left behind to watch over the ship.  The fluffy pirates have attempted to hold Benji hostage while they negotiate for the vessel.

We have contacted a member of the state department and they offered to bomb East Chicago, just to "show them a lesson" but the Tufts' have declined their offer of help.

Benji is valiantly defending the Blue Moon and has contacted reinforcements back home.  More on this continuing drama later.

Fluffy rogues attempting a hostile take over.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day in Chicago

Sunday, 09/01/13

Morning bike ride but there isn't really anywhere nice to ride bikes nor are there any stores.  Our dock neighbors were nice enough to offer to take us grocery shopping with them.  You really do feel vulnerable without a vehicle.

Archie, our RayMarine tech is also the commodore of the Indiana Harbor Yacht Club which is right next door.  He invited us to their annual Island Party tonight.  Their yacht club is a bit different than our Oak Orchard Yacht Club.  They are open 24/7 (except Christmas day) for lunch and dinner and have a full time restaurant staff.  They never do the "dish to pass" thing.  They have 300plus members and seem to be primarily power boaters.

The dinner was good and music was great.  With Chicago musicians to pick from it should be.

Falling down drunk lady showed up.  Literally.  She fell over and took another lady (?) with her while drunk dancing.  Gotta love it.

This marina and yacht club has been so friendly and hospitable to us.  New friends, Ken and Janice on our dock met on and now have a house together.   They are going to keep an eye on our boat when we go home for a couple of weeks.  So thoughtful of them.

Bought the Amtrak train tickets for home today.  We leave Tuesday night and get into Buffalo Wednesday morning.  We have never used a train for transportation.  We'll see how it goes. The tickets cost less than the gas would have if we rented a car! 

Monday, Sept. 2, 2013

We had breakfast on the docks with our dockmates.  We were going to take them out for a boat ride but Lake Michigan was in a bad mood, windy and too wavy so that didn't happen.  So for kicks Dave and I got a taxi and went to Walmart on Labor Day to reprovision the boat!  Whoopee!  We did manage to fill up a mini-van full of stuff so when we get back in a couple of weeks we will be ready to tackle the Chicago and Illinois River on our way to the mighty Mississippi River.

I must say that I am looking forward to some at-home time.  Hang in there Aja, Mommy is coming!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sweet home Chicago!

Saturday, August 31, 2013
Last evening we got to experience a Wizard of Oz type of Midwestern storm.  Well, almost, no tornado thank God.  We were sitting on the aft deck enjoying talking to our nice dock neighbors.  I had just finished asking them about tornadoes and storm cellars.  Just then the skies went from daylight to midnight darkness.  The winds started blowing the chairs around and the skies opened up with thunder and lightning thrown in just for fun.  We bungied the chairs to the rail and waited out the storm while listening to NOAA on our radio.   They were advising people to take shelter and if the tornado sirens went off to go to their cellars.  We're on a boat! We don't have a cellar!  After a bit the storm died out and that was that.  Welcome to Indiana!  No Brandon, we didn't die!

We were all psyched about going to Chicago for the day so we waited for a taxi at the casino next door to the marina.  While we were waiting we started talking to the doorman.  He was quite the character. He was a 50 ish African American with shoulder length dread locks.  He told us he has 3 granddaughters.  Grandpa with dread locks.  Could this be a new look for Dave?  His last name is Bond and his mom had a thing for Sean Connery so, yes, his name is James.  Shaken, not stirred please.  We told him that we are disappointed that Buddy Guy is not playing at Legends; his blues club, this week.  He said, and I'm not kidding..."Who is Buddy Guy?"  Really!  How could a 50 something black guy not know who Buddy Guy is?

The taxi finally showed up and off we went.  Question, what IS the proper etiquette for asking your driver Mohammed to stop texting while driving 75 m.p.h.?

The 1/2 hour drive into the city took us through a virtual Michael Moore documentary on the sad state of American industrial communities.  It has it all here: humungous decaying and abandoned steel mills, weeds growing up through old cracked pavement, shabby public housing, endless grime on tired old buildings, rusty chain link fences and a feeling of gloom.  I saw a sign at a convenience store that said you could get 10% off by showing your union card.

I wonder what it was like here in it's "day'?

Was its shining moment producing the war machines that helped us save the world in WWII or during the post war boom years?  Rosey the Riveter lived here with her blue collar guy and times were good when the plant was working overtime.  Are those days gone forever?  Sure looks so.

We arrived at Millenium Park and the 35th annual jazz festival.
We stopped for a famous Chicago hot dog and it was o.k. but has nuthin' on Zweigles back home.  Besides, it was steamed !! :(
The jazz festival was pretty  much what I expected.  We stopped and listened to some musicians and toour uneducated, untrained, un-HIP ears it seemed that too many of them were engaged in musical masturbation solos.  You know, the only person enjoying it is the person playing it!  I've never been a big fan of the self indulgent too long drum solos or screaming saxes that sound like when I step on Aja's tail.  So we moved on.
We were headed to the touristy Navy Pier and got sidetracked by an architectural boat tour of the river.  I'm glad we did because in a couple weeks we will be headed there on our way to the Mississippi and going smack thru the city.  It was interesting to hear about the buildings.
George Jeston lives here.
We went to Navy Pier and while walking there I asked Dave that if 18 years ago, the last time we were in Chicago, he ever imagined that we would be here on our boat someday??  He just smiled.  I think he had this planned all along.
We passed a Segway kiosk and I wanted to give it a try but Dave said he didn't really feel like spending the night in Emergency with me.  Smart ass.
We had a nice, overpriced dinner and took a taxi back to the boat.