Thursday, September 26, 2013

Redemption in Peoria

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I must admit that there are days when this journey is a real pain in my ass. BUT then there are days like yesterday that bring it all back on a happy course.

Golfers can relate: bad swing after bad swing then one great shot that gets you all enthused with the game again.

Yesterday morning we tried to gently leave the dock without upsetting the Asian Carp.  It worked or else they were somewhere else.  Our new travel buddies left with us and we were off.

The scenery was nicer and there were fewer barges. We saw a young bald eagle on the shore (still had the black head feathers) and another mature one with a white head. Mama?
Magnificent!  There were some lake home and little marinas.  It was starting to look more like the Mark Twain fantasy in my head.

We had to wait about an hour to get through a lock, just hanging out, treading water, wasting fuel. Tows and barges have priority and a tow captain has say whether a pleasure boat can lock through with him or not.  So far all the bridgemasters and tow captains have been really accommodating and courteous.  Dave likes for me to talk to them because he thinks a female voice has leverage.  Working so far.

We stopped in a little nothing town called Hennepin because they had a marine store and the captain wanted to replace his hand held VHF radio.  A floating one for sure this time.
We had to hop a fence to get to town.  Dave continues to have me confused with a 14 year old boy or something. Anyone who knows me also knows that agility is not my strong suit.
Shut up.

I made it with no broken bones!
We had a lovely afternoon cruising slowly down the river.  I took the helm a few times to give Dave a break and let him wash the boat.  He really likes washing the boat.
We passed an Asian Carp Charter Boat.  The Asian Carp thing has opened up a whole new industry around here.  They use bows.  This seems like a new reality show just waiting to happen.  Watch out Swamp People.
Would not recommend riding wave runners through here.
We found dockage at the Illinois Yacht Club in Peoria.  After churning up lots of mud we docked right in front of their restaurant. Some of the members helped us tie up and told us info about the facility.  Bluenoser docked there also.  The members could not have been nicer and note to self:  be more friendly to traveling boaters once home again.  We had drinks and dinner there and a couple of the members latched onto us and we had dinner with them.  There were the usual boating stories.  It's interesting to me to hear why other people boat and put up with all the trials and hassles.  When we tell people why we are taking this trip it reaffirms to me that this is truly a once in a lifetime adventure and we are so lucky to be doing this. Sure it would be easier to see the country in almost any other way but I asked for an adventurer and that is truly what my Dave is.  He NEVER takes the easy way out and I get mad at him and love him for that same reason. 
I digress.... the yacht club had a huge flood back in April. The worst since 1979.  The restaurant is quite high up as you can see here but the river flooded and you can also see the high water mark on the dining room wall.  Needless to say it was a huge mess and they are rebuilding quite nicely.
Restaurant is on 2nd floor!
We may be doomed by 6-7 months of mentally challenging gloomy winter weather at home but at least so far, floods, hurricanes, wild fires, and tornadoes have left us alone.
This morning we took a taxi to the humungous Bass Pro store in Peoria (to replace the VHF radio). 
This was on their doorway:






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