Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hotel California

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"You can check-out any time you like but you can never leave".  This sums up our East Chicago experience.  Blue Moon has been here 24 days now.  13 days of that time we were on a trip home but the other 11 were waiting for the Raymarine Auto Pilot to be made fully  operational.  Waiting for software, yada-yada.  Finally early this morning Archie, our dedicated Raymarine tech, had it 100%.  So around 10:00 it was good-bye East Chicago, finally, and a quick 2 hour trip to spend a night in the Windy City before heading down the Illinois River on our way to the Mississippi River. 

It was a little bumpy heading out in the bay but we had diligently consulted with the National Weather Service, NOAA, NASA, the Pentagon and my tricky bunion and it was a GO.  Waves predicted 1-3 feet.  No big deal.  The waves started building and the wind was gusting around 20 plus knots.  Before long Blue Moon was violently being tossed around.  The waves were coming from all sides, no sense whatsoever.  After things started being thrown around the cabin, no to mention us; we turned the boat around!  Benji was cowering in the corner!  We headed back to our old dock with our tail between our legs.  Defeated by Lake Michigan. 

 It was time to press the WTF button!

  Our dockmates, Ken, Janice and Archie were there to help us tie up.  It felt GREAT to be tied up safe and sound once again. I called the marina in Chicago and changed our slip reservation to tomorrow.  HOPEFULLY the bitch that is Lake Michigan will calm down!

1 comment:

  1. Um, I also would have been cowering in the corner, cuddling Benji.....Be careful, damnit.
