Sunday, September 8, 2013

BREAKING NEWS...Blue Moon under siege!!

Sunday Morning, September 8, 2013

Early this morning our sources report that a rogue team of fluffy pirates are attempting a take over of Blue Moon as she sits in an East Chicago harbor.  Spokesman for the pirates state that as an "abandoned ship" they have salvage rights.
Captain Dave and Admiral Robyn have left the state on a trip home until later this month when they will return and continue their journey down the Mississippi and beyond.
  Benji, their faithful crew member, was left behind to watch over the ship.  The fluffy pirates have attempted to hold Benji hostage while they negotiate for the vessel.

We have contacted a member of the state department and they offered to bomb East Chicago, just to "show them a lesson" but the Tufts' have declined their offer of help.

Benji is valiantly defending the Blue Moon and has contacted reinforcements back home.  More on this continuing drama later.

Fluffy rogues attempting a hostile take over.

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