Sunday, August 11, 2013

12 Mile Bay Anchorage

Saturday, August 10th.  Georgian Bay was a bit rough on the way to 12 Mile Bay. The waves were around 4-5 footers but it was only a 2 hour ride to the very well protected spot we were going to anchor in for the night.  When we arrived, there were already 13 other boats anchored.  Lucky there was room for us!

We dropped anchor in the super clear water into a nice mud bottom.  Oh god, I sound like an old sea salt!  It has been pretty easy anchoring so far.  Mud, apparently, is the preferred bottom.  Last night in Go Home Bay the wind was pretty gusty and the boat did some spinning.  I was trying not to think of the anchor slipping but of course I was.  Dave reassured me often that we were o.k.  I eventually fell asleep but had my mom ears working.  We were fine.

Dave already had the second anchor pulled, washed and put away and coffee ready when I finally threw the covers off to a sun filled morning and a very docile bay.  We made breakfast and then moved on thru some very tight channels.
12 Mile Bay is very pretty and I love having other boats around us.  Some of the boaters came over to visit in the kayaks and dingys.  I can hear children squealing as they jump from their boats into the cold water.  Happy sounds.  I loved hearing my kids yelling Marco Polo as they played in the pool.  Miss those years.
Casting shrinkage concerns aside, Dave went swimming.
We took a little dinghy ride but there wasn't as much to explore as in Go Home Bay.  Pretty windy too.  I hope all the boats around us are firmly anchored for the night!
Tomorrow we are going to Parry Sound to a marina for a couple days.  We need to re-provision and I need some retail therapy.  On Monday John, Karen and Brandon are going to meet up with us there.  I can't wait to share this amazing place with them.  It is a giant boaters playground.  They are gonna love it!

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