Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Blue Moon weighed anchor (it had a small tree wrapped around it this time!) and left the Pool and the beautiful reflections of the mountains on the water behind us this morning and we steamed our way to the Benjamin Islands anchorage.  On the way there we had to wait for a swing bridge that opens on the hour.  We got there just a few minutes before noon and passed through a town called Little Current then out into the open bay for awhile.  It was very flat with no wind and a very nice ride to the Islands.  Following the route that we charted out the night before we made it there in about 3 1/2 hours.  The anchorage we picked out, according to the cruising book, sometimes has as many as 100 boats there in high season.  Lucky this is not high season and there were about 20 boats there and when we arrived we saw why people flock there!
It looks like we are out west!
We took the dinghy for a little ride and climbed on some rocks to take this picture.

Later a guy came over on his kayak and we talking about anchorages and he mentioned the Pool.  He asked us if the turtle came to visit us while we were there!  Apparently the little guy is   a legend and has been around for years.
Reminds me of the dolphin in the ICW near Venice, Florida.  He would beg food from boaters for many years and just died recently.  Animals adapting to their shrinking places on the planet I guess. Sad.
The same guy also gave us a book on Lake Michigan ports.  It won't be too long before Blue Moon leaves the north channel and heads for Mackinak Island and Lake Michigan.  The rest of this trip has a long way to go to compete with our amazing time in Georgian Bay.
Tomorrow is a travel day and a marina stop in Blind River in Lake Huron.



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