Thursday, August 15, 2013


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Morning came and the skies were clear and blue so we had to decide whether to tackle rough seas or stay put.  The weather forecast was for 15-20 mph winds, much like the day before.  The gypsy in our souls ruled.  We raised the anchor and it was so caked with mud I had to raise and lower it quite a few times to get it clean.  But mud equals good holding, remember?

Out in Georgian Bay it had calmed down a bit since yesterday so we were all glad we decided to head for our next anchorage the "Flower Pot".  The turns to the northeast off the marked channel had  no aids to navigation so we had to really watch our depths. There are huge rocks everywhere.  It is an absolutely gorgeous spot though and we got there just fine.

Dave tied the stern to a big rock on shore.
Here's me on the boat.
The guys and Karen had a monument building contest.  You see these little rock creations all over the 30,000 islands here.  Benji had to help of course.
Once we got settled we all agreed that about 4 hours of travel a day with such intense navigation and chart watching is enough.  There is a bit of anxiety going through the shallow, narrow passages
where you can practically reach out and touch the rocks on either side of the boat.
John and Benji caught the first pickerel (walleye) and we made it for dinner.  Delicious!
Later we had a fire on shore.  There are bears in the area.  We saw huge piles of bear skat.  John saw a giant beaver too.  We've seen bald eagles and loons.  Still no Missauaga rattlesnakes and that's just fine with all of us.
Tomorrow is kind of a big day.  The last of the 30,000 islands and onto the North Channel.  We are heading for Killarney and the Sportsmen's marina.  To get there we have to pass through Collins Inlet.  It is notoriously shallow in some spots so we called ahead to see if our boat could make it.  They said that sailboats make it through so we should be just fine.  There is a 15 mile of open stretch in the big bay again.  Hope it has calmed down!!!



1 comment:

  1. Wow...sounds like a wonderful adventure! Have a safe trip...
