Thursday, August 15, 2013

Breaking Bad...but only my butt!

Monday, August 13, 2013

Today John, Karen and Brandon arrived. Robbie dropped them off in Parry Sound and then headed back to Pt. Breeze.  Robb will be a freshman at Niagara University in a few weeks!

Unfortunately, the thermometer took a downward turn and it was quite cold.  We walked into town for dinner and plotted out tomorrow's journey.  Benji helped Brandon with the maps:
We watched some more Duck Dynasty and then I fell down the six steps from the salon into the galley area.  Bang-Bang-Bang!  As very good fortune would have it, I did not rebreak my elbow but I do have an epic bruise on my butt and a pretty good size Jennifer Lopez derriere working until the swelling goes down!  Dave kinda likes it...
Last night was the long awaited season opener of the final season of Breaking Bad.  Since we have no tv I missed it.  Breaking Bad fans can surely feel my pain but the rest of you can stop rolling your eyes now please.

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