Saturday, August 10, 2013

THIS is what we came here for!

Thursday, August 8th.  We left Midland this morning after we waited for the boat stereo guy to show up to install a new Fusion unit.  After all the old one was 6 months old!  Have to deal with the warranty stuff when we get home.  The unit is also the dvd player and there is NO way we could be without movies in the evenings or on rain days.  So, all is fixed and we have tunes and videos again.

My apprehension about being able to help Dave get us through narrow passages with boat breaking rocks and shallow water all around us was for naught.  We handled the 2 hour trip to "Go Home Bay" like old Georgian Bay veterans.  Sea Tow did not have to be called!  We arrived at our beautiful, impossible to describe anchorage but this is what we saw on the way.
We chose to take the more challenging route through the small passages so we wouldn't miss the incredible scenery.  There was a more straightforward, easier route but I'm glad we chose the scenic route.
Dave is really surprising me.  Mr. "Type A-gotta go now-no matter what the weather or water conditions :("   is actually slowing down and dare I say relaxing??  He so deserves this trip.  He worked intensely getting the boat ready and I wasn't really sure it would be worth the hassle.  So far YES--It's worth it! 
This is what we see off our anchorage in Go Home Bay:
YEP!  Worth it!

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