Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baie Fine is SO Fine!

Friday, August 16, 2013

We awoke Friday morning to the best weather we've had in a week or so.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the annoying wind was gone.

Karen and I walked to the only store in Killarney to buy provisions while the guys had the boat pumped out and the freshwater holding tank filled.  After the chores were done we set course for Baie Fine (pronounced Bay Fin) and the famous "Pool" anchorage.  We were a bit anxious to get there because we assumed hordes of boats were on their way to get our once-in-a-lifetime-perfect-spot!

It was pretty easy navigating through the open bay compared to the intense routes we have become accustomed to (and I might brag a little, quite adept at getting through with propeller intact!).  We reached Baie Fine and it transformed into a Scandanavian like fiord.  Huge granite walls dramatically entering the crystal clear water.  We made our way through the very very narrow passage into the Pool.  Once we rounded the point our jaws dropped.  It was a phenomenal place to anchor and  we were 5 very happy people.
Our concern about there being no room for us was in vain as there was only one other boat at anchor.  We picked a premo spot and dropped the anchor, tied the stern to a tree and got on our hiking clothes.  We took the dinghy over to a trail that takes you up a mountain to Lake Topaz; a glacier lake with more dramatic walls and topaz colored water, hence the name.  On the way up Benji was a little tired so we stopped to rest.
Then Dave had to carry him!
The lake was stunning.
Brandon jumped right in.
Hiking back down the trail we found this.....
I guess that clears up the age old question about what bears might or might not do in the woods.
The hike was exhilarating and we were on sensory overload with the amazing scenery all around us.  We put together a yummy steak dinner and while we were cooking a little visitor must have smelled it...
Turtleman would have loved this guy.
This was the first time we had absolutely no cell service so I got out the satellite phone and used it for the first time to call Kristy and give her our status.  It worked!  Go Verizon!
Next morning we hated to leave this behind but onto our next adventure.





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