Saturday, August 10, 2013

Go Home Bay--day 2.

Friday, August 9th.  We like it here so much we decided to spend another night.   We took Little Moon around the bay to explore.  We found a perfectly engineered beaver dam.
We passed through this narrow passage to another inner bay.
I am starting to have serious Georgian Bay cottage envy...
Benji likes to help me with the charts.
Dave worked on the varnish some more while I hemmed a couple of comforters for the guest room.  I re-organized my pantry and every now an then would stop and look out at the scenery.  It just takes my breath away.  All this with CSN music playing in the background.  I'm in old hippy heaven here!
Tomorrow the plan is to anchor out in "12 Mile Bay".  Love the names of these little bays and coves.  I'm sure there is a story behind each one.  One is called Starvation Bay.  That's an easy one to figure out.
I'm reading a book (yes Adrianna-he is letting me read!!!).  The ttile is "Empire of the Summer Moon" by SC Gwynne.  It's a fascinating historical narrative about the Comanches who were the most powerful tribe in American history.  I have tried to read similar books but they were too text booky.  This one is more like a factual novel and is skillfully written to hold your interest.  Highly recommend.
Last evening Steve was sending me texts from Aja.  Funny stuff!  I think Steve has been getting into Aja's catnip.
So, I'm trying not to think of the weeds growing at home and the dust falling on the furniture and the mail piling up at the office (thanks Denis and Linda for helping us out with that).  It is actually getting easier.  I have had a more difficult time adjusting to this new c'est la vie lifestyle than Dave.  Who woulda knew??  But it's pretty cool and we are so lucky to be taking this amazing journey and we know we are truly blessed.


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