Friday, August 23, 2013


Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Captain and I rode our bikes around Charlevoix this morning and continued to drool over the exquisite houses and landscaping.  Another word about Michigan.  We had some silly preconceived notion that Michigan was all Detroit like or worse yet, New Jersey. From what we have seen so far we were so wrong.  The water color is Caribbean blue  here in the north and super clear.  We are totally impressed.  We have seen t-shirts that say "4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan". Yep.

Lake Michigan was in a better mood on or way to our anchorage.  Nice gentle ride. We arrived  at a pretty little cove with a sandy beach.  First sandy beach of the trip.  There were a few boats anchored there and we found a nice spot in the deep water and let out 180 feet of anchor rode.  That is alot!  It held nicely in the sand bottom.  We cruised around on Little Moon for awhile and then came back to the boat and we had a cleaning spurt.  While vacumning I moved the curtains aside in the salon and this little furry stowaway was looking at me!

So I did the mature thing and started shrieking.  John & Brandon came to the rescue and wrestled the little flying vampire outside. But he wanted to come back in!
No way!  He finally flew to the upper helm and later when it was almost dark out he flew away.
We recovered with our brush with the little devil and made a nice dinner and enjoyed the Big Moon rise over the Blue Moon before we settled in for the evening.

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